Welcome to my personal website. If you are looking for my straight ahead business ethics web site please visit EthixBiz where I share my approach to "building ethically healthy organizations in a diverse, global marketplace" --- where Christians, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, and everyone else meet and work. Basically, half my passion and professional life has been dedicated to trying to be a constructive voice in this pluralistic arena.
But at this website I share my life and work more comprehensively, much of which has been dedicated to “exploring and promoting the ethics and values of Jesus and the Bible.” My primary audience here is not the general marketplace but the Christian Church, people who believe that Jesus of Nazareth was and is Savior, Lord, and God and the Bible is, in a unique, inspired way, the Word of God. Despite our denominational, national, cultural, theological, and other differences, despite our mistakes, weaknesses, and often poor performance -- - and insisting that our faith be accompanied by mystery and humility——we share both a responsibility and an opportunity to “salt the earth” and “light the world” as our Leader famously said. That is the adventure I have been after for more than fifty years --- trying to figure it out and trying to live it out. In this life-project I make no claims to being any better or smarter or wiser than anyone else.
Here is a 30-minute sample of my understanding of Christian theology, ethics, and discipleship --- my baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in May 2016: “Light A Candle” --- and an 18-minute talk on workplace ethics from the October 2014 Faith@Work Summit in Boston.
J. Alfred Smith, Senior Pastor Emeritus
Allen Temple Baptist, Oakland CA
Dr. David Gill is blessed with a warm heart and a well trained mind. He holds his own with the leading Christian ethics scholars and writers and is respected in the academy. Yet I marvel at his ability to communicate to the mass of ordinary people who struggle on a daily basis to make sense out of their challenging and stressful days. He is gifted in entering the world of his listeners to meet them just where they are with the simplicity and power of the gospel. Learning from Dr. David Gill is both a challenging and fun experience. Churches striving to prepare lay persons to reach their neighbors and colleagues with a common sense and reasoned presentation of biblical faith and ethics would do well to invite Dr. Gill to conduct their workshops, classes, conferences, and retreats. Dr. Gill is no stranger to the pulpit. He is an exciting and popular guest preacher at the Allen Temple Baptist church of Oakland, California. But best of all, I know Dr. and Mrs. Gill as authentic disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.
TIM SHAW, Associate pastor
First Presbyterian church, Honolulu HI
David Gill is a sage --- one of our most insightful thinkers and gifted teachers. Whether leading classes and retreats for our intellectually curious congregation, translating the ethical teachings of the Scriptures for the competitive business environment of downtown San Francisco, delivering the occasional guest sermon from our pulpit, or serving as professor in a summer course at Regent College, what David delivers are biblically sound, relevant and challenging insights that can truly help us live as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Rev. Dr. Gina Casey, Presiding Elder, Anchorage-Fairbanks District
Pastor, Leake Temple A.M.E. Zion Church, Anchorage AK
Dr. David Gill's ethics course had the greatest impact on my spiritual formation in my studies at Fuller Theological Seminary. His open, inclusive, interactive and fair teaching style was so comfortable. Using the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes together as the scriptural foundation for working our way through ethical dilemmas was brilliant. Four years later, he became my professor and mentor in the Workplace Theology, Ethics & Leadership doctoral program at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Once again, his unique approach to curriculum design made this educational experience incredibly effective and memorable, and truly life-changing.
Randy & Diane Roth
Faith Network of the East Bay, Oakland CA
In his adult education courses on "Salting (Not Steamrolling) the Marketplace" and "FaithJazz," at First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, David Gill uses familiar, timeless, classic biblical teachings as the basis for practical guidelines for life and work in the real world of the 21st century. David's teaching style is engaging, thoughtful, nuanced and inspiring. He invites dialogue and interaction, gives real world examples, and never loses a scintillating sense of humor even as we grapple with the serious issues of life.
Anthony J. Petrotta, Rector
St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, Wilsonville OR
Forty years ago, David Gill, as a guest lecturer, taught the most engaging course I had as a student at Fuller Seminary (on Jacques Ellul, his Ph.D. dissertation subject at USC in that era). In the years since, he has often been guest preacher and seminar leader in parishes I have served. Drawing upon his considerable knowledge of ethics, philosophy, and theology, David is always insightful on issues facing our society. He encourages us to be engaged and thoughtful, not simplistic or reactionary. He is accessible and always gives generously of his time and attention to his audiences. He's been a mentor, colleague, and engaging friend for many years.
Rev. Dr. Sheila Robinson
Gospel Music Radio & Television Show Host
Assoc. Pastor, Grace Tabernacle Community Church, San Francisco CA
As a guest on my former Sunday Gospel Music Radio program on 98.1 KISS-FM and my Community Channel 15 TV Show, as my seminary professor on Ethics in the Workplace, as a guest preacher, and as the author of three books in my personal library, Dr. David Gill is always a model of integrity and ethical excellence. His theological and ethical teaching is personable, knowledgeable, clear, eloquent, and challenging. I am blessed to know him not just as a teacher and colleague but as a friend.
John Shouse
Pastor, Tiburon Baptist Church
Professor, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
For over thirty years I have known Dr. David Gill as a passionate follower of Christ and a winsome Christian witness who combines both head and heart and bridges the disparate worlds of academy, business, and church. As a writer and educator he has left his mark as one of the most significant theological ethicists of his generation, whose insights are both foundational and transformative. He has been a speaker for seminary faculty and students, business leaders, community organizations, and churches where I have been involved. As a teacher and presenter David is engaging, informed, practical, inspiring, warm, humble, humorous, and impassioned. He is superb at being fair to the many sides and nuances of an issue while still marking clear ways forward. I can say without hesitation that in my experience there is no finer conference leader or presenter than David Gill.
W. Ward Gasque
co-founder, Regent College, Vancouver BC
former President, New College Berkeley & Provost, Eastern University
David Gill is one of the most dynamic and creative Christian thinkers and opinion-shapers I know. He was a pioneer in grassroots Christian education in the midst of the Free Speech and Jesus People movements in Berkeley in the 1970s and has led the way in calling the laity to faithfulness in their secular vocations as well as in their church-focused ministries. Always on the cutting edge, David is a brilliant writer and speaker. He has influenced thousands for good and for God. I enjoyed working with him for three years in Berkeley (1979-1982) and in a variety of conferences, seminars, and Christian academic events in subsequent years. I am honored to call him my friend.